Thursday, April 3, 2008

Offer 2 Countered, Rejected

As I somewhat expected, though was hoping would not happen, the sellers of the home we placed our second offer on countered our offer with a poor one. We briefly considered revising it, then decided to flat out reject it. I just don't think they are actually trying to sell their home. They have had it listed several times since 2005, usually for short periods of time. In fact, just last year they had it listed for $259k, which means that even after Realtor fee's, they would have walked away from our offer with more money than they listed the house for last year! I just don't think their home appreciated $10,000 in the last year while everyone else's home went down in value. They can keep it forever for all I care.

There are officially no other homes on the market right now that we are interested in. So will will keep saving our money and hoping more come on the market between now and summer.

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