Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Tired But Not Ready for Bed

Today has been a long day, and a tough one. It seems that every computer I own, and some I don't, were out to get me today. They must have been talking to each other, because they really ganged up on me. In the end I win, of course, but I have been sitting at this computer for over 16 hours and should be on my way to bed.

But I failed to mention that I am also sitting in my new office! There are still a few things to do before I post pictures, touch up some paint here and there, move more furniture and stuff in, but I am working in my brand new space. It is clean, roomy, and has no cat or dog hair. They are not allowed in here. I am still debating whether or not kids are allowed, I think not.

I moved the computer and desk in late last night, after spending 2-3 hours cleaning everything. Since the computer was in the workshop side of the basement for the last 2 months, everything had collected quite a bit of dust and construction debris. It was actually pretty hard to get it all clean, but I managed.

Since I have not written in my blog for a week, I guess I should catch up a little. I worked a lot last week which you can always tell because I neglect the blog.

I did take time out to watch the Presidential Debate last Thursday and the Packers 2nd loss in a row on Sunday. At least the Bears (who I hate) beat the Eagles (who I hate more). I think I shocked my sister when I told her I was actually rooting for the Bears.

I thought McCain did pretty well in the first debate, and I am hoping Barack shows some teeth in the next one. Either way I think we will be just fine, unless we all go broke because congress wants to hand out $700 billion dollars to banks and financial institutions that apparently don't know how to handle money. I think the better plan would be to force the oil companies to pay it out of their profits. I cannot even imagine what $700 billion dollars looks like, or could buy. I am sure several countries and a tank full of gas.

I have also been really sick for 10 days, but am feeling better the last 2. It really sucks when you have to work 12-14 hour days when you are coughing up a lung and running a fever constantly. I only really crashed one day, a week ago Sunday, never left the couch. That was a good day :)


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you have been sick. Coughing up a lung? Are you still off the smokes? I haven't seen you mention it lately. If no dogs, cats or kids are allowed in the office you should also ban smoke. If you haven't quit yet that would put more limits on you. That would help.
We are going to head south on the 12th with Bec and John. That time of the year for our Florida fix. Take care of yourself!!! Aunt Deb

Todd said...

No, we are both smoking again. We have to try again soon. Have fun in Florida!

Anonymous said...

Thanks I think we will- we usually do. And you thought what about the VP debate? Lets see your comments. Don't just try to quit- just do it. If I can anybody can. Remember I smoked like a chimney for a bunch more years than you. Love ya a bunch