Monday, August 25, 2008

We Are Outta Here!

This was a very busy weekend. Missy and I finally got all of our stuff out of the old duplex and over to the new house, and that was a lot of stuff! We are both wiped out and worked very hard and long hours, but we are officially moved out now. I wonder how long it will be until we are moved in?

I am down to 2 days from having the office and new hall complete, I think. I have to cleanup from all the sanding, primer the hall and touch up the office, paint everything and install the floor. If I can grab some hours this coming weekend I hope to get it done, and post some pictures of course.


Anonymous said...

What is 2 days in real time?
Good luck and keep me posted.

Anonymous said...

Ha! I've been doubling the amount of time Todd thinks something will take. That seems to be about right.